The Mead O’Brien Steam Seminar provides you a window into elements of the plant steam cycle as you observe live steam and condensate behavior in glass piping and glass-bodied steam traps under differing conditions. You will gain useful knowledge regarding:
- Steam generation
- Distribution
- Control & Heat transfer
- Heat Recovery opportunities
- Condensate removal & return
Steam System System-Wide Objective
- Basics of steam
- Steam energy facts
- Thermodynamic relationships
- Steam table uses
- Video: What is Steam?
- Steam system-wide components
Steam Traps
- What it is, where it fits, how it works
- Function and Operation of generic Steam Trap types How they operate against typical characteristics
- Testing techniques
- Troubleshooting and Video
- Functional problems associated with Steam traps
- Tools to maintain an efficient steam system
- Surveys and assessments
- Continuous monitoring
- SteamStar™
Distribution systems
- Functional problems associated with Distribution Systems Effects of not removing condensate formed in the system Water Hammer and Corrosion
- Differential Shock water hammer demonstration
- Piping for effectively removing the condensate
- PRVs: Use and effect on the steam distribution system Video: Guidelines for Steam System efficiency
Steam usage systems (heat transfer)
- Different heat transfer devices
- Functional problems associated with heat transfer systems Process control considerations & challenges
- Pressure zone and partial load example
- What the control people usually don’t consider
- Stall and how to overcome it
- Vacuum Breakers and TAVs (thermostatic air vents) Control modes and unintended consequences
- Leaving the pressure zone
Condensate return systems
- System efficiencies
- Electric condensate pumps: operation and advantages Mechanical condensate pumps; operation and advantages Open and closed systems: advantages & disadvantages Stall review and solutions
- Flash systems and heat recovery options
- Back to the boiler house: Deaerators and their function
For more information, or to sign up, visit this web site - https://events.meadobrien.com